Sunday, August 18, 2024

Goodbye Blowing Rock


Goodbye Blowing Rock I said Friday

in the pinkish salmon light of dawn on the Parkway

grateful car was not wrapped in fog

one deer already dashed across the road.


Eleven nights of very little sleep

less than four hours each night

because of bed from hell

tall old lumpy horrible

Keith left even earlier for same reason

also sofa and chair were unsittable

for longer than five minutes.

Thursday afternoon old friend Annette

texted to say sorry

she could not come for weekend

Dallas was too hot for flight to take off

after hours and endless airport delays

it's just as well I didn't say plus

 thank God I do not live in Dallas.


Friday dawn driving home

a psycho after so little sleep

somehow I made it back to Pittsboro 

by the grace of God.


Today I was in the pulpit

instead of lay person who was supposed to fill in

she seemed terribly nervous about leading worship 

more than preaching

it’s like juggling balls she said

I know what you mean I replied 

sometimes I still drop a ball

or two.


Church seemed glad I was back

despite Julia A delivering great sermon last Sunday

I watched the live stream she didn’t use notes

not sure how preachers do that

I continued her Bread of Life theme

an old sermon updated because time was short.


Explained to everyone I came home early

because eleven nights of no sleep

turned me into a psycho

they all laughed

handful of people confessed to me afterwards

they struggle to sleep every night.


Mom aren’t you just getting old and fussy

my mean daughter asked

no! I’ve slept in many places

never had such an experience

well you’re older now she said unkindly

with eyes twinkling

mom I didn’t find the sofa that uncomfortable.


I wrote a note to condo owner

I’m checking out six days early

because of horrible bed

this represents some hundreds of dollars maybe more

I didn’t say

she wrote back so sorry

do you have recommendation for new mattress?


One of my peeps asked if I came home early

because I felt internally like it was the right thing to do

I paused and answered

actually yes.

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