Saturday, September 21, 2024

Church Music


I admit I love our Hymnal

Talking with new neighbors retirees

said they were church shopping

not those words exactly

have visited Presbyterian Methodist

was it Pittsboro United Methodist I asked

yes they replied

how was it

husband answered it was okay

just okay I wondered

he sighed

the Methodists love their hymnals

ah I thought

said out loud you prefer praise songs

words projected on a screen

it’s what we’re used to he said

we will go to the community church here I think

even retirees want overly loud praise songs?


Another neighbor who knows my vocation

said with some excitement

he visited Pittsboro United Methodist

how was it I asked

wonderful he exclaimed

they have a – he described an organ he expected me to know about –

an excellent music ministry

they sing mostly from regular hymnal

this neighbor has a baby grand piano

plays fill-in organ at churches

do they have a choir I asked

oh a good one he replied I’m now singing in it

I watched the livestream

sure enough

he was up front singing his heart out.

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