Thursday, August 15, 2024

Church Intrudes


Charge Conference season: I'll be busy as a bee

Charge Conference stuff is ready!

pesky charge profile online

waiting to be filled out again

by somewhat unwilling Staff-Parish Committee

really it’s me who ends up writing it

as if the DS can’t tell

why can’t they come up with new questions

have church strengths really changed

in a year?


We do seem to have examples

of God’s generosity

a relatively new question

the committee has trouble distinguishing

divine generosity from their own

or maybe their own is inspired

there’s no problem this year

we prayed

(rather desperately on my part)

God sent us a heavenly pianist.


The thought of setting up

charge conference meetings again

feels onerous especially when 


are not as strong as in years past

all it takes is one person wringing their hands

to start a panic

plus people don’t seem to want to fund the columbarium

listen fifty dollars don’t cut it

I don't say

who can blame them?


Perhaps members find giving to be tiresome

I know I often do

I think the right word is discipline.


One big-giving couple lured away by Baptist pastor

who visited them endlessly

the male half of couple a closet Baptist

a pox on the Baptists I have thought for years.


I walk on Nominations eggshells

can’t say what needs to be said

when committee members

are related to other members

they think would be dandy on Staff-Parish


I’m tired of the merry-go-round

one year bleeding into another

my creativity beaten away long ago.


I still pray 


that God is indeed in the midst of it.

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