Now for happier
although it began
darkly 2 a.m. Saturday
woke up severe
unrelenting abdominal pain
no sleep only pain
then unending nausea and
pain into the day
called retired elder
who was out of town
please fill in for me
it’s just song service
and reception
okay she said we’re
coming home tonight anyway.
Afternoon found me at urgent
waiting waiting waiting
finally given magic
to take away nausea
go to ER they said
no I was emphatic
having been regaled by
church member
who spent 11 hours
there three days previously.
Ran some tests
oh this is what it must
here have a painful injection then prescription
if severe pain returns
take ambulance to ER
could be something much
Felt so much better
Sunday morning
went to church for singing
two verses of
called-out Christmas carols
don’t forget to call
out hymn numbers!
except one woman wanted
to sing
verse two of Because He
I know it’s an Easter
hymn she apologized
but it IS about a baby
we gladly sang it
love that hymn love
them all
always get choked up
verse three Away in a Manger
silly sentimental carol.
We gave musician
jar stuffed with cash
told her you are a joy!
all this followed by lovely reception
magical sparkling scrumptious
exhausted I went home sorry to miss it.
Here’s what I know from
20 years of this
God always takes care
of me
when I am in the pulpit
always and in many ways
making divine self
known to me
thank you Lord.