Sunday, August 18, 2024

Goodbye Blowing Rock


Goodbye Blowing Rock I said Friday

in the pinkish salmon light of dawn on the Parkway

grateful car was not wrapped in fog

one deer already dashed across the road.


Eleven nights of very little sleep

less than four hours each night

because of bed from hell

tall old lumpy horrible

Keith left even earlier for same reason

also sofa and chair were unsittable

for longer than five minutes.

Thursday afternoon old friend Annette

texted to say sorry

she could not come for weekend

Dallas was too hot for flight to take off

after hours and endless airport delays

it's just as well I didn't say plus

 thank God I do not live in Dallas.


Friday dawn driving home

a psycho after so little sleep

somehow I made it back to Pittsboro 

by the grace of God.


Today I was in the pulpit

instead of lay person who was supposed to fill in

she seemed terribly nervous about leading worship 

more than preaching

it’s like juggling balls she said

I know what you mean I replied 

sometimes I still drop a ball

or two.


Church seemed glad I was back

despite Julia A delivering great sermon last Sunday

I watched the live stream she didn’t use notes

not sure how preachers do that

I continued her Bread of Life theme

an old sermon updated because time was short.


Explained to everyone I came home early

because eleven nights of no sleep

turned me into a psycho

they all laughed

handful of people confessed to me afterwards

they struggle to sleep every night.


Mom aren’t you just getting old and fussy

my mean daughter asked

no! I’ve slept in many places

never had such an experience

well you’re older now she said unkindly

with eyes twinkling

mom I didn’t find the sofa that uncomfortable.


I wrote a note to condo owner

I’m checking out six days early

because of horrible bed

this represents some hundreds of dollars maybe more

I didn’t say

she wrote back so sorry

do you have recommendation for new mattress?


One of my peeps asked if I came home early

because I felt internally like it was the right thing to do

I paused and answered

actually yes.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Church Intrudes


Charge Conference season: I'll be busy as a bee

Charge Conference stuff is ready!

pesky charge profile online

waiting to be filled out again

by somewhat unwilling Staff-Parish Committee

really it’s me who ends up writing it

as if the DS can’t tell

why can’t they come up with new questions

have church strengths really changed

in a year?


We do seem to have examples

of God’s generosity

a relatively new question

the committee has trouble distinguishing

divine generosity from their own

or maybe their own is inspired

there’s no problem this year

we prayed

(rather desperately on my part)

God sent us a heavenly pianist.


The thought of setting up

charge conference meetings again

feels onerous especially when 


are not as strong as in years past

all it takes is one person wringing their hands

to start a panic

plus people don’t seem to want to fund the columbarium

listen fifty dollars don’t cut it

I don't say

who can blame them?


Perhaps members find giving to be tiresome

I know I often do

I think the right word is discipline.


One big-giving couple lured away by Baptist pastor

who visited them endlessly

the male half of couple a closet Baptist

a pox on the Baptists I have thought for years.


I walk on Nominations eggshells

can’t say what needs to be said

when committee members

are related to other members

they think would be dandy on Staff-Parish


I’m tired of the merry-go-round

one year bleeding into another

my creativity beaten away long ago.


I still pray 


that God is indeed in the midst of it.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Blowing Rock Again


A view of Grandfather Mountain from Julian Price Memorial Park

Blowing Rock again

town of flowers 

low humidity cool breezes

August different from July

last year flowers were riotous

this year day lilies are spent no rhododendrons

instead town is awash in hydrangeas daisies black-eyed Susans

petunias never stop blooming until first freeze.


My sister Beth is here

staying in her own upscale place

she likes her own space she says.


Katherine stayed here

Thursday to Sunday

Keith arrives today with Penny

along with Beth’s husband Bill.

Me and Katherine

I want to be alone just for a while.


Arrived Monday

played pickleball Tuesday

open play on outdoor basketball court

in the mornings

around 10:30 gets too hot for me

hot being 75 degrees if sun is shining



Hurricane Debby rained all day Wednesday Thursday

Friday Katherine and I returned to Arborcrest Gardens

hydrangeas blooming there too

Saturday we all went to sappy movie

Katherine was emphatic no pickleball mom

we played mahjong here which Katherine loved

Beth did not.


Arborcrest Garden

Which left Sunday morning for pickleball

missed church for first time in forever

mom I can’t believe you are missing church!

even sweet Blowing Rock Methodist

even Cokesbury sing-a-long!


There was outdoor worship close

to pickleball courts I enjoyed listening

while playing

service was short

pickleballers came over when it ended

pickleball church!


I’m tired of eating out everything is expensive

yesterday and today I told Beth no more

I’m making food and eating it

last night we ate my soup at her place

which has a gorgeous deck.


This Friday to Sunday a long-time friend will visit

a lapsed United Methodist

I probably will drag her to church

Blowing Rock Methodist

especially the sing-along

which she will like

if she will go with me.


A year ago July I came here

to escape Elderberry

the people the heat feeling trapped indoors

this year Elderberry is in rear-view mirror

I play pickleball every other day in Chapel Hill

except Sundays

in air conditioning

no longer feel trapped inside.


This year probably will be my last

to spend more than a few days

in sweet Blowing Rock

the town wrapped in flowers.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Live Shorter, Feel Better?


Keith and me in Gatlinburg on family trip, July 2024

My dad was a doctor so I trust what they say

do what they tell me

until I began to suspect

they don’t know or care about diabetes

or maybe about me

I was prescribed drugs plural that caused blood sugar spike

doctor suggested spike was weight related

have you gained weight?


well your numbers are not that bad

could be your age natural progression of disease

she switched me to different blood pressure drug

because I insisted.


Two months ago I began to play lively pickleball

but kept pulling leg muscles

must be your age people said

then I pulled a large leg muscle

bruise the size of my hand

appeared instantly on my leg!

What the hell?

Physical therapist happened to be playing

we see these a lot he said

do you take statin for high cholesterol?


The older you are the longer you take statins

the more damage they do to your muscles

sometimes permanent damage he said.


No doctor ever told me that

more research proved him true

also statins raise blood sugar.


I stopped taking statin

no more pulled muscles or bruises

no more muscle cramps

I was getting at least once a week.


I know next blood test will show

bad cholesterol is high


since I stopped the statin

I feel better than I have in years

well I’ve been on it ten years!


Of course I am playing lively pickleball

with much younger people

three times a week

it could be that.


This is what I know:

I’d rather live less time

be active play hard

and feel better.

Spring/Early Summer 2024 Family Photo Album


Katherine, Keith, Eric, Jonathan before a Duke game
maybe this was fall of 2023?

Zach, Eric, Michelle; May 2024

Mother's Day 2024

Zach and Michelle, ages 4 and 5

The pirate princess

Keith and grands before a Durham Bulls game

Katherine in Ireland June 2024

Katherine before the Taylor Swift concert in Liverpool

Jonathan and Katherine in Ireland, June 2024